M110 Silenced Sound – Suppressed Weapons SFX Library
The M110 Silenced Sound is the sound of the M110 Semi Automatic Sniper System (M110 SASS) with an attached silencer (suppressor). It is an American semi-automatic precision rifle that is chambered for the 7.62×51mm NATO round. It is manufactured by Knight’s Armament Company, developed from the Knight’s Armament Company SR-25, and adopted by the U.S. military following the 2005 US Army Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle competition. The M110 was to be replaced by the lighter and more compact M110A1 CSASS, which is developed from the G28, a variant of the Heckler & Koch HK417, however, most M110A1 models fielded have been of the SDMR variant. In 2021, a newer variant, the M110A2, was showcased and seen in use in early 2022.
The M110 Silenced Sound Construction Kit demonstration uses 4 random “OneShot” sounds, then 4 random “Stop” sounds. Use randomly one of “OneShot” and “Stop” sounds and play them at the same time. The further the listener from the weapon – the quieter “OneShot” and “Stop” files. All the sounds in this preview as in the library, without processing. Also, our Unity and Unreal Engine projects use these files. Please find the links for example on our site or on our Youtube channel.