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real recordings

Yak-152 Sound – Real Recordings

Su-35 Sound

MAKS Sounds 2019

Yak-152 Sound is the sound of Russian Yak-152 Aircraft from the MAKS Sounds 2019 sound library. The MAKS Sounds 2019 library includes 11 audio files. Total duration: 41 minutes.

The Yakovlev Yak-152 is a Russian primary trainer aircraft. The prototype Yak-152 first flew on 29 September 2016. It has a RED A03 diesel engine, rated at 500 shp (370 kW). The Russian Air Force ordered the aircraft to replace its current Yakovlev Yak-52 trainers.

The first flight of the Yak-52M made in April 2004, and a year later successfully passed state tests. Serial production of the new aircraft was going to start at the 308th aircraft repair plant (Ivanovo), but these plans never came to fruition.

The issue of the start of serial production of the Russian aircraft modification moved from a dead center only in 2014, when a notice of the start of a competition to create a training complex based on the Yak-152 TCF appeared on the website about conducting public procurement. Soon between the OKB Yakovlev and the Russian Ministry of Defense signed a contract, the amount of which amounted to 300 million rubles.

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