M39 Silenced Sound – Suppressed Weapons SFX Library
The M39 Silenced Sound is the sound of the M39 Enhanced Marksman Rifle (EMR) with an attached silencer (suppressor). It is a semi-automatic, gas-operated designated marksman rifle chambered for the 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge. It is a modified and accurized version of the M14 rifle used by the United States military, in a similar vein to the Mk 14 Enhanced Battle Rifle. So the M39 EMR based on the United States Marine Corps Designated Marksman Rifle, which it replaced. It is manufactured by Sage International and maintained by the USMC’s Precision Weapons Section. The rifle is currently issued with match-grade M118LR 175-grain long range ammunition. The “basic” EMR (without telescopic sight, magazine, sling, basic issue items, cleaning gear, suppressor and bipod) weighs 5.9 kg or less.
The M39 Silenced Sound Construction Kit demonstration uses 4 random “OneShot” sounds, then 4 random “Stop” sounds. Use randomly one of “OneShot” and “Stop” sounds and play them at the same time. The further the listener from the weapon – the quieter “OneShot” and “Stop” files. All the sounds in this preview as in the library, without processing. Also, our Unity and Unreal Engine projects use these files. Please find the links for example on our site or on our Youtube channel.