AS Val Silenced Sound – Suppressed Weapons SFX Library
The AS Val Silenced Sound is the sound of the AS Val Automatic Rifle with an attached silencer (suppressor). The AS Val is integrally suppressed and chambered in 9×39mm, a subsonic cartridge, in order to reduce its report. The suppressor effectively reduces muzzle flash and muzzle report of the firearm to 130 dB. There are no design features which reduce the noise of the action. Manipulation is similar to many AK-type rifles: charging handle on the right side, tangent rear sight, magazine release button behind the magazine well, and safety lever above the trigger guard. The fire selector is, however, located behind the trigger within the trigger guard. The rifle also has an “AK-type” Warsaw Pact rail for various optical sights, namely the PSO-1-1, PSO-1M2-1, and 1-PN-51 calibrated for use with the 9x39mm cartridge.
The AS Val Silenced Sound Construction Kit demonstration uses 3 combined “OneShot” + ”Loop” + ”Stop” sounds, then 4 random “OneShot” + ”Stop” sounds. All the sounds in this preview as in the library, without processing. Also, our Unity and Unreal Engine projects use these files. Please find the links for example on our site or on our Youtube channel.